About listing

ID 121171
Date add 24 August 2021 5:30 PM
Views 950
Country United States
State Arizona
Distance 8,281 Kilometers

Dealty is a unique digital platform that transforms the way home buyers, sellers, real estate agents, and homebuilders list or finds homes. The website allows consumers to view exclusively available properties or register their homes to sell all in one seamless, easy-to-use interface. 

The platform is not only for the general public but for real estate agents and home builders too. There are many sites that sell buyers as leads to agents, leaving the listing agent or property owner out of lead generation on their own listings. Dealty never sells leads and instead gives the buyer direct access to the lister of the property, whether it is the homeowner or listing agent.

Buyers can schedule a showing, email sellers/listers direct, and even make an offer directly by just clicking a button and answering a few questions. There is no middleman and no hidden agenda.

Dealty never sells your information and Dealty keeps the seller’s information private, minimizing unwanted solicitation.

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Country United States
State Arizona
Distance 8,281 Kilometers
Address 20645 N Pima Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, USA