About listing

ID 147225
Date add 9 April 2022 4:32 PM
Views 852
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,419 Kilometers

DataTrained is an ed-tech firm with the head quarters based out in Bangalore. It has another branch in Noida, UP and has also spread the education venture across London, UK and New York, USA.

DataTrained aims to provide quality education to the professionals or students in the emerging technologies like, Data Science, Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Development, DevOps, Digital Marketing, Management, Engineering and many more.

In this competitive world, where everyone is looking to upskill themselves and attain greater heights in future in their career; DataTrained focuses on bridging the gap between students and the knowledge they require to upskill themselves to thrive.

DataTrained has also published various types of blogs in various fields. Some of the blogs are, machine learning projects for beginners, fmcg analytics, data science in mechanical engineering, data science in civil engineering, data science in travel industry, etc.

Being amongst one of the market leaders in the domain of e-learning, DataTrained has revolutionized the courses offered to the students with personalized curriculum and placement guarantee. The teacher to student bond is tightened with the quality of education, continuously addressing to the doubts and staying connected throughout their journey with DataTrained and even after that.

DataTrained is a mission driven company and the mission of the company is to provide quality education to the students and enable every individual to build strong portfolio for themselves.

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Opening Monday- Sunday 10:00AM- 07:00PM
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,419 Kilometers
Address 3811 Ditmars Boulevard, Astoria, Queens, NY 11105, USA