
About listing

ID 153019
Date add 8 June 2022 5:50 PM
Views 913
Country United States
State New Jersey
Distance 5,495 Kilometers

Damco is a US-based IT Services and technology solutions company helping clients to achieve their goals through digital, data, and product innovation. We have niche industry know-how and technological prowess to deliver solutions that generate sustainable value in terms of revenue, capabilities, and competitive advantage. Strengthened by CMMi and IS0 quality certifications, we facilitate customers to compete in the fast-paced market dynamics and build sustainable business advantage. We have a vast pool of experienced resources available on and offshore, under flexible arrangements- software developers, QA analysts, data engineers, project managers, UI/UX designers, digital marketers, and consultants.

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Opening 24/7
Country United States
State New Jersey
Distance 5,495 Kilometers
Address Plainsboro Township, NJ