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ID 240539
Date add 18 June 2024 3:58 PM
Views 168
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,583 Kilometers

You are at risk of losing your freedom and rights if you have been accused of a crime in Los Angeles. Our Los Angeles criminal defense attorney team is committed to safeguarding your rights and achieving the most favorable outcome for your case at Costen Ruiz Law. The moment you reach out to us, you will be met with unwavering support, compassion, and understanding. We are cognizant of the fact that confronting criminal charges can be a daunting experience.
Consequently, we are committed to providing you with strategic advocacy and personalized attention to assist you in navigating the legal system. We will dedicate ourselves to the investigation of your case, the collection of evidence, and the development of a robust defense strategy on your behalf by our Riverside criminal defense attorney. If your constitutional rights are violated, we will challenge them and guarantee that you are treated equitably under the law.
Whether you are being charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, our legal team has the experience to effectively represent you in court. Please refrain from leaving your fate to chance. You can rely on Costen Ruiz Law to be your steadfast advocate when you are facing criminal charges. Take the first step toward defense your rights by contacting us today to arrange a confidential consultation. Our team will vigorously advocate for your future, investigate alternative sentencing options, and negotiate with prosecutors.

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Phone (844) 426-7836
Opening Mon-Sun: Open 24 hours
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,583 Kilometers
Address Summit Wealth Management (Member of WestPac Wealth Partners - Los Angeles), 3435 Wilshire Blvd UNIT 1101, Los Angeles, CA 90010, United States