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About listing

ID 203117
Date add 8 August 2023 1:02 PM
Views 148
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,375 Kilometers

Never Miss A Call – Designed by doctors for doctors.
After-hours, daytime call solutions, secure messaging, and telehealth solutions. All in one place. Easily connect with patients day or night from anywhere.
Integrates with EHR systems like Athena, NextGen, MDIntellesys, Modernizing Medicine, Nextech, SRS and others.
After Hours: Our convenient and HIPAA-compliant system automatically routes urgent calls to the correct on-call provider. Access instant patient information with EHR integration. Reduce time, frustration, costs, and medical liability while improving the patient experience.
Patient Messaging: Engage with your patients day or night through convenient, secure, HIPAA-compliant text messaging. Share images, files, and videos easily.
Daytime Coverage: Never miss a call. Help with high call volume during the day and improve the patient experience. Decrease dropped calls and costs with ConnectOnCall’s customizable weekday solution.
Telehealth: Speak with patients via high-resolution, secure, HIPAA-compliant video calling from anywhere. Patients can easily connect with one click – no app download needed.
EHR Integration: We’ve partnered with industry leaders to offer seamless integration with popular Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, including athenahealth, NextGen, Modernizing Medicine, Nextech – IntelleChart Pro, and SRS Health. Don’t see your EHR partner? Don’t worry, many of our clients use us without integration to improve accuracy, reduce frustration and reduce medical liability.

Opening 24*7 Hours Open
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,375 Kilometers
Address 200 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge, NY 11788, United States