About listing

ID 120750
Date add 21 August 2021 07:30
Views 836
Carpet Cleaning Bronx has over 15 years of experience in performing carpet cleaning for residential and commercial customers in the Bronx, NY. Apart from our main service of professional carpet cleani
Country United States of America
State / Province New York
Distance 5,416 Kilometers

Carpet Cleaning Bronx has over 15 years of experience in performing carpet cleaning for residential and commercial customers in the Bronx, NY. Apart from our main service of professional carpet cleaning, our team goes beyond what a professional carpet cleaning service does. We also offer professional mold ispections and testing, mold removal/remediation and specilized water damage restoration services. Got questions? Give us a call now and we can also give you a free estimate, with immediate scheduling options.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Hours Sunday - Monday 8am-8pm
Country United States of America
State / Province New York
Distance 5,416 Kilometers
Address 860 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY, USA