
About listing

ID 130596
Date add 3 November 2021 8:13 PM
Views 813
Country United States
State California
Distance 8,409 Kilometers

Brett Beaver is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 25 years of experience working with children, teenagers, families, adults and couples. From working in both the public health sector, and private consulting, Brett brings a comprehensive range of best practices and processes to both individual therapy and group facilitation. Brett works with individuals and families to identify the genesis of the challenge, jointly developing strategies and interventions that create a path forward.
Brett’s subject matter facilitations address Life Balance, Stress Reduction, and Workplace Communications, to name a few. His approach provokes thought and self- examination with the goal that each attendee leaves with an idea of what they are willing to do differently to improve the quality of their personal and/or professional life.
Brett earned his Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California (USC) in 1982 with a focus on marriage and family therapy.

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Country United States
State California
Distance 8,409 Kilometers
Address Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Category ,