About listing

ID 152618
Date add 5 June 2022 9:18 PM
Views 701
Country Australia
State Western Australia
Distance 14,583 Kilometers

Sams Pest Control Perth is a company that specialises in Bee Removal Perth. Our team aims to provide the best quality service possible by using the latest technology, equipment and methods available. We offer you 100% safe and effective Bee Removal Services in Perth and nearby areas. They also have a team of experienced professionals who are able to safely and effectively remove bees from your home or business location. We offer same-day bee eradication because we prioritise our consumers. We have bee removal experts on standby to tackle situations like these. You’ll get the best services at a reasonable rate.

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Opening Mon-Sun 6:00 Am - 9:00 Pm
Country Australia
State Western Australia
Distance 14,583 Kilometers
Address 20/65 Brewer St, Perth WA 6000, Australia