About listing

ID 148738
Date add 26 April 2022 7:14 AM
Views 756
Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,479 Kilometers

Bachendorf’s continues to celebrate family and milestones
with the finest hand-selected diamonds, designer jewelry and timepieces. Since
opening their first retail store in 1977, the Bachendorf’s family is proud to
serve its community with unique custom and designer jewelry to ensure a
memorable experience every time you walk through their doors. Their sales
professionals, watchmakers, and gemologists are among the best in their fields.
We also have our own in-house jewelry artisans to help you design a one of a
kind creation. Bachendorf’s offers a huge selection of collectible giftware
from the world’s top designers.

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Monday - Saturday: 11AM - 6PM
Country United States
State Texas
Distance 7,479 Kilometers
Address 8400 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75225, USA