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ID 213987
Date add 7 November 2023 18:40
Views 64
Artificial Intelligence enables computer systems to mimic intelligent human behaviour. It is already being used in personal digital assistants, such as Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana

Artificial Intelligence enables computer systems to mimic intelligent human behaviour. It is already being used in personal digital assistants, such as Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. In addition, it can be used in robotics, marketing, customer service, predictive modelling, and many other applications. Vegavid Technology artificial intelligence development company works with our businesses to create, build and implement AI solutions for them.
We help you build smart and intelligent applications, create effective solutions and provide customised AI services to help your business grow. Spanning across both the web and mobile applications, AI will make your business smarter on every corner. Offering value for money through our high-octane AI development services, it’s time to step into the world of AI. We create a trustful environment for everyone so that value and trust go hand in hand
Vegavid helps businesses compete more effectively by operationalizing Artificial Intelligence with secure, governed, and scalable strategies. We proffer custom AI application solutions to optimise business processes. In addition, the AI solution built by our experts can be trained on the data specific to your industry.

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