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ID 134638
Date add 11 December 2021 7:35 AM
Views 1,000

At Arash Law injury lawyers in California, we’ve learned that the word “accident” does not accurately depict most personal injury events. In most scenarios, the unfortunate incident was not an accident at all, but a chain of events sparked by someone’s negligence. A distracted driver, careless product manufacturer, incompetent doctor – these are entities that owed a duty of care, breached this duty, and caused harm to another party. Our California personal injury law firm is passionate about bringing justice to negligent parties and fighting for the compensation that injured victims rightly deserve. We know how to help you move forward after a traumatic car accident.
Our unparalleled team of trial attorneys has decades of combined experience in the field of personal injury law and has gained the respect of some of California’s best accident law firms. We serve all of California, with our headquarters in Los Angeles and offices in San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Sherman Oaks, Sacramento, and Riverside. We’ve represented clients in numerous types of accidents, with injuries ranging from emotional harm to catastrophic injuries.

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