
About listing

ID 204245
Date add 17 August 2023 2:06 PM
Views 194

Corp is a leading global innovation-driven digital partner, assisting
forward-thinking businesses with high-end technology consulting and solutions.
As a proud member of NASSCOM and a certified organization assessed at CMMI-DEV
Level 3 V2.0 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013, the company drives digital transformation
with exceptional expertise.
Their services include digital
engineering, data analytics, cognitive technologies, quality engineering, app
modernization, and managed services. With 15 years of experience, a team of 400
skilled tech professionals, and 200 clients across various industry verticals,
AppsTek Corp stays at the forefront of innovation. Through strategic alliances
with Oracle, Microsoft, Boomi, and Snowflake, the organization empowers clients
to achieve sustainable growth.

learn more about their offerings, visit their website at

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