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ID 172089
Date add 25 October 2022 08:31
Views 610
Appliance Repair Rosedale NY is happy to serve homeowners in the city. We offer extensive services, from washing machine repair or tumble dryer repair to fridge repair or freezer repair. We will take
Country United States of America
State / Province New York
Distance 5,416 Kilometers

Appliance Repair Rosedale NY is happy to serve homeowners in the city. We offer extensive services, from washing machine repair or tumble dryer repair to fridge repair or freezer repair. We will take proper care of your appliance issue regardless of the make or brand. Phone : 347-594-2724

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Hours Mon to Fri 06:00 A.M. to 10 P.M. Sat & Sun 08:00 A.M. to 07:00 P.M.
Country United States of America
State / Province New York
Distance 5,416 Kilometers
Address 14422 243rd St #45, Rosedale, NY 11422, USA