
About listing

ID 264386
Date add 30 November 2024 7:33 PM
Views 56
Country India
State Haryana
Distance 6,786 Kilometers

Founded in 2003 by Divjyot Singh and Suniti Kaur, alumni of the National Law School of India University, India, Alaya Legal has earned the reputation of being a trusted and reliable law office. Each founding partner has close to 30 years of rich and diverse experience across sectors. The firm handles contentious and non-contentious matters.

Alaya Legal takes pride in its boutique practice, which enables it to offer personalised attention and tailored solutions to each client. We understand the evolving needs of a business, particularly in case of business growth which allows us to extend the much needed strategic legal support to the client.

Members of the firm are accessible and responsive to client requirements, which are often time-sensitive.

Each member of the firm, coming from diverse cultural, educational, professional, or personal backgrounds, contributes to and benefits from the wealth of knowledge and expertise that is consciously built into the fabric of the organisation, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation and continuous learning.

The firm handles Litigation and Arbitration, Energy and Sustainability, Corporate and Commercial, Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) matters.

Phone +911244141475
Opening Monday to Sunday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Country India
State Haryana
Distance 6,786 Kilometers
Address 33-B, Institutional Area, Sector 32, Gurugram, Haryana, India