About listing

ID 203092
Date add 8 August 2023 13:02
Views 58
Phone : +1 954-960-3373 At Agape Behavioral Center, we believe in a love that’s universal and unconditional. We are passionate about providing an opportunity for authentic transformation to everyo
Country United States of America
State / Province Florida
Distance 6,883 Kilometers

Phone : +1 954-960-3373
At Agape Behavioral Center, we believe in a love that’s universal and unconditional. We are passionate about providing an opportunity for authentic transformation to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
Since 2016, our mission has remained the same: to be a guiding light on the path to recovery and wellness for those struggling with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.
We provide the most advanced facilities available so that our patients have access to the best possible chance of achieving long-term recovery. Our drug rehab program in Florida has been carefully crafted by our world-class team of addiction specialists so that individuals have all the resources they need to make significant progress in their journey towards healing.
Above all else, we are dedicated to ensuring that everyone who comes through our doors is shown compassion and care as they begin their journey of recovery. By constantly setting new standards for exceptional patient care, Agape Behavioral Healthcare seeks to truly make a difference in each individual’s life.

Opening Hours 24/7
Country United States of America
State / Province Florida
Distance 6,883 Kilometers
Address 5081 Dunn Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34981