About listing

ID 209270
Date add 30 September 2023 3:42 PM
Views 143
Country India
Distance 7,186 Kilometers

Accurate Labs” Calibration Laboratory is an independent facility established in 2003 providing calibration services for testing & measuring instrument and validation services to pharmaceuticals, Engineering, Hospitals, ISO Industries & other Export Oriented Units.

The Laboratory is accredited as per ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 by NABL (National & International Accreditation Authority) for Electro-Technical, Dimensional , and pressure, Mass & Volume, Fluid & Flow, Thermal and Air Flow Parameter. High accuracy master equipment, trained personnel & strict environmental conditions are maintained to ensure low uncertainly of measurements. Calibration & Validation Certificates issued by the Laboratory at competency level of international / national standards.

“Accurate Labs” is providing services all over India with about 85 well trained Engineers & Technicians from Vapi. Accurate Labs provide calibration services to our customers in either our own environmentally controlled multi laboratory facility or on-site at their location. Accurate labs have already established over 300 satisfied customers of various locations.

Opening Monday to Sunday (9:00 to 18:00)
Country India
Distance 7,186 Kilometers
Address Plot No.33, Vibrant Business Park, N.H.No. 48, GIDC, Vapi
Category ,