Legit Junk Removal

United States

30 March 2023 1:11 PM

Last online 30 March 2023 1:12 PM

aypro is the household name for junk removal services among the locals. And this is for a good number of reasons. Our affordable flat rate prices, all-inclusive service, friendly and expert team members and superior customer service have made us a local brand that people can trust and rely on.

At Baypro, we take complete care of your residential and commercial properties and ensure proper disposal of all the remains. Our garbage hauling team does all the heavy lifting and lets you get rid of unwanted bits and pieces items once and for all!

As a locally owned trash hauling business and junk pick-up company, we’re proudly serving San Francisco Bay Area for more than a decade! Our goal is to clean up SF and keep as much trash out of the landfills as possible. We ensure proper recycling and disposal to ensure we’re leaving a safer and more eco friendly environment for the next generations. A good portion of the unwanted items goes to local charities and the people in need.