About listing

ID 239111
Date add 10 June 2024 1:40 PM
Views 33
Country Canada
State Alberta
Distance 6,619 Kilometers

$ - CAD (Canadian Dollar)

Alex Sherman is a journeyman electrician and owner of Alberta Electric. He has developed his skills over the past ten years as a tradesman, seven of which as an electrician. Throughout his career he has worked on large and small commercial projects. Alex is known to be a personable, dependable, flexible, and precise individual. Alex provides electrical system installation, inspection, maintenance and repair services to building/home owners and property managers. Installations by Alex are clean and cost effective. When Alex comes upon unexpected issues, he insures that the stakeholders fully understand the problem and the potential solutions to make an informed decision. Alex consistently provides value to those he works with.

E-mail albertaelectricca@gmail.com
Phone 07802003989
Currency $ - CAD (Canadian Dollar)
Country Canada
State Alberta
Distance 6,619 Kilometers
Address 9710 105st, Edmonton, AB, T5K 1A4, Canada