About listing

ID 191384
Date add 28 April 2023 4:08 PM
Views 115
Country United States
State Virginia
Distance 5,775 Kilometers

The Shepherd Homes Group is a top 5 team in the greater Washington, D.C. area, top 1% in the nation & the top Military Realtor in the DMV. What separates us from our competitors is that we are not in business simply for the next deal. We are in it to build the next relationship. Our team was founded on the principles of a Shepherd who, to us, is someone who sacrifices everything to guide and protect those they care for. This is exactly what we set out to do for our clients. We are open Monday to Sunday 24 Hours.

Opening Monday to Sunday: Open 24 hours
Country United States
State Virginia
Distance 5,775 Kilometers
Address 6363 Walker Lane suite 130, Alexandria, VA