About listing

ID 142799
Date add 23 February 2022 2:02 PM
Views 627
Country United States
State Florida
Distance 7,005 Kilometers

DNA Supply Chain Solutions is serving from more than 45 years. Our first priority is the customer satisfaction. During all these years we make great relationships with tons of potential customers all around the world. We are providing Sea Freight, Air Freight and Land Transportation services at very affordable and effective costs. We are the No 1 Supply Chain Company that you can rely on as your long journey partner of International Shipments. Our shipment tracking software is also very quick, accurate and easy to use for the customers. We will handle each every aspect of your Shipments and will save you from all the headaches.
We do the job of booking your shipping for you, as your ocean freight consolidator. While ocean freight service
can be booked directly, partnering with a certified freight forwarder can save your time and resources, as well as
provide you with the help you can need during the cycle.Shipping company USA is based on established connections and when it comes to booking, changing, or canceling a shipment, we will also provide timely service. Any step of the way, we will also keep you posted, so you know where your shipment is.
We are the No 1:

Link to details Visit Link Here
Opening Mon-Sun 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Country United States
State Florida
Distance 7,005 Kilometers
Address 4465 Northwest 37th Court, Miami, FL 33142, USA