About listing

ID 182188
Date add 16 February 2023 1:33 PM
Views 265
Sifax Global is a Nigerian-based company that provides a range of logistics and maritime services. The company was founded in 1988 and has since grown to become a leading player in the logistics and m
Country United States of America
State / Province Texas
Distance 7,669 Kilometers

Sifax Global is a Nigerian-based company that provides a range of logistics and maritime services. The company was founded in 1988 and has since grown to become a leading player in the logistics and maritime industry in Nigeria and beyond.

Sifax Global offers a wide range of services including shipping agency, terminal operations, container handling, cargo consolidation, freight forwarding, and warehousing. The company operates in several Nigerian ports and has expanded its operations to other countries in West Africa, including Ghana and Sierra Leone.

In addition to its logistics and maritime services, Sifax Global has diversified its business interests into other sectors such as real estate, hospitality, and oil and gas. The company is committed to providing efficient and reliable services to its customers, and has invested heavily in technology and infrastructure to achieve this goal.

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Country United States of America
State / Province Texas
Distance 7,669 Kilometers
Address 8180 Southwest Fwy, Houston, TX 77074, United States