About listing

ID 261460
Date add 8 November 2024 5:08 PM
Views 17
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,425 Kilometers

Rosec Jewels is an independent company is devoted towards manufacturing and selling top notch jewelry pieces studded with top-quality diamonds and gemstones, round the globe. Our team constituting experienced designers and artisans, overlook the journey which begins as a design on paper followed by execution on software and carefully crafting it to reality. All these processes to ensure that our customers are overwhelmed with happiness when they open the box from Rosec Jewels.

E-mail rosecjewels.us.marketing@gmail.com
Phone 3184790290
Opening 24 Hrs.
Country United States
State New York
Distance 5,425 Kilometers
Address 64 W 48th St ste 1406, New York, NY, USA