An onsite carving is a wonderful way to add beauty and value to your home or cabin. When you commission I Saw It In Minnesota to do an onsite carving, we will come and meet with you, evaluate your tree(s) and work with you to come up with a design to fit your landscape. We want to make sure that both the tree and the design will work together. We can do large-scale carvings over 15 feet tall to smaller-scale carvings just a few feet high. It is a great way to memorialize a long-living tree with sentimental value. Our carvings can be found all over The United States. Because of the skill and craftsmanship, I Saw It In Minnesota has to offer we can create the most unique sculptures available.
About listing
ID | 176433 |
Date add | 29 December 2022 7:55 AM |
Views | 467 |
Country | United States of America |
State / Province | Minnesota |
Distance | 6,238 Kilometers |