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ID 214035
Date add 8 November 2023 6:34 AM
Views 101
Country Canada
State / Province Alberta
Distance 6,631 Kilometers

Have you been charged with a criminal offence? If so, Criminal Lawyer in Edmonton can connect you with an experienced attorney in the city. One of our professional and reputable on-staff criminal lawyers can help you with your court case, whether it involves DUI offences, domestic violence, driving offences, drug offences, financial offences, or firearms and weapons offences. We understand that being charged with a crime can bring you many negative emotions and stress, and want to help you be absolved from your accusations. Our firm ensures that our criminal lawyers take into account how our Edmonton clients are understood, and their feelings of anxiety, stress, and anger are acknowledged fairly.

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Opening Hours Mon -Sat -9.00 AM to 18.00 PM
Country Canada
State / Province Alberta
Distance 6,631 Kilometers
Address 3286 Parker Loop SW Edmonton, AB