
About listing

ID 256451
Date add 2 October 2024 4:03 PM
Views 12
Country Canada
State / Province Ontario
Distance 5,547 Kilometers

BDF Graphics was established in 2019 and has developed to become an official distributor of top brands including leading manufacturers such as: Epson Sublimation printer, Neenah Coldenhove, Lumina, Siser Heat Transfer, Silhouette, Wolfex and etc. With a broad range of supplying heat transfer, signs making equipment and supplies include Vinyl Supplies, Inks, Sublimations blanks, Display signage, Magnets, Heat presses, Vinyl Cutters, Printers etc. in Toronto, Canada. Besides supplying specialized graphic goods, BDF Graphics provides its best technical support and customer services including limited repairing related equipment and educational resources for our customers.

Link to details Visit Link Here
E-mail Addwebbdf@gmail.com
Phone 6476121416
Country Canada
State / Province Ontario
Distance 5,547 Kilometers
Address 510 Gordon Baker Rd