Oriental Rug Clean

United States of America

28 June 2021 11:52

Last online 28 June 2021 12:54

Oriental Rug Clean is a one stop shop for all your Oriental rug cleaning requirements. Give us a call today and find out how you can benefit from our high quality services.
You can bring your soiled and stained Oriental rugs ranging from silk to woolen and cotton variety to us and we will employ the most suitable cleaning technology accordingly to produce the best results.
We have been a long term cleaning partner of many of our customers in New York. Our reputation has grown over the years due to a consistent performance in the area of Oriental rug cleaning in NY.
Oriental Rug Clean is an expert in the area of Oriental rug cleaning and has helped a number of people in New York with their rug maintenance needs.
You can increase the durability of your precious Oriental rugs by making use of our professional cleaning services regularly. We have a long standing reputation in NY for removing dust, mites, stains and odor from all kinds of delicate Oriental rugs to improve the hygiene of your living environment.